Exploring Abstraction Workshop with Cameron Schmitz at River Gallery School, VT, January 2015

Not surprisingly, I've had two painting workshops cancelled in May 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which was a weekend workshop at the Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center

One of the workshops that is so gratifying for me to teach is "Exploring Abstraction". I love teaching this workshop so much in how it opens things up creatively for people. It's exciting to observe and support, as their instructor. 

I recently stumbled upon a folder of student work from and Abstract Painting Workshop at the River Gallery School in Brattleboro, VT, from back in January 2015,and what a smile these photos brought me:)

I employ a variety of exercises for exploration in oil painting and working abstractly- which garners different effects and results. And although much of abstract painting is about embracing the process just as much as much as the product, the results of these student works are so enjoyable to look at. 

I am always so amazed and inspired by the beauty that I see from my student's work in my workshops. It's an honor to share some of their works with you!


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